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Creative writing can be a great way to express yourself and share your thoughts and feelings.

Whether you are looking to start a novel, write a poem, or simply have fun writing, it can be difficult to come up with topics for your next project. Here are 39 topics for cretive writing to help get you started.

The first 19 are a bit more in depth, and then there are 20 more bonus ones to help you.

Here are great topics for creative writing:

1. Write a Story from a Unique Point of View

Write a story from the point of view of an animal, a plant, an object, or anything else you can think of. You can bring a unique perspective to your work when you look at the world through the eyes of something that isn’t human.

2. Create a Character

Start by creating a character. Create a background story for them. Think about where they came from, their culture, and what makes them unique. Then, decide where the story will take them and what obstacles they will have to overcome.

3. Write a Poem

Writing a poem can be a great way to express your feelings. Take a pen and paper and just write your thoughts down. You don’t have to follow any particular rules or structure, just let your thoughts flow through the words.

4. Write Flash Fiction

Flash fiction is a form of micro-fiction that can be written in a relatively short amount of time. Start by creating a setting and characters and then begin to develop the story. The key here is to complete the story in a relatively short amount of time.

5. Write a Monologue

Take a character from a book or movie and write a monologue in their voice. Put yourself in their shoes and let the words flow. Focus on how they feel and what matters to them.

6. Write a Horror Story

Horror stories can be a great way to challenge your creative writing skills. Start by creating an interesting setting, then build the tension and suspense. Don’t forget to add in a twist at the end to keep your readers guessing.

7. Write Fan Fiction

Fan fiction is a great way to explore your favorite stories in a different way. Take characters, settings, and plot points from the original stories, TV show, or movie and then write something completely different. This can be a great way to tap into your creative side and get the ideas flowing.

8. Write a Fairy Tale

Fairy tales can be a great way to explore the world of make believe. Start by constructing a world, then create characters and a story. Be sure to add in a moral or insight at the end, as this is usually a key part of fairy tales.

9. Write a Mystery

Mystery stories can be a great way to flex your creative muscles. Start by constructing a mystery that needs to be solved. Keep readers engaged by adding clues along the way and making the stakes higher as the story progresses.

10. Write a Song

Writing a song can be a great way to express yourself. Take a movie, book, or even a particular situation and create lyrics to express your feelings and experiences. This is a great way to get creative and explore different forms of writing.

11. Write a dream journal

Dream journaling is the practice of writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up in the morning in order to capture the dream in more detail. It can be a great way to explore unconscious thoughts and gain insight into your inner workings. Keeping a dream journal can help you to understand recurring dreams and even gain a better understanding of yourself. To dream journal, make sure to write down as many details as you can remember. Describe what the dream was about, who the characters were, and what emotions you felt throughout the dream. This could be a great way to unlearn limiting patterns and create a better understanding of yourself.

12. Write a travel journal

Writing a travel journal on a place you visited is incredibly valuable. It provides a unique opportunity to document your travels and the experiences you had. You can capture things like the places you visited, the people you met, the food you ate, and the things you learned. Keeping a travel journal can also help you to reflect on your experiences, capture important moments that you can look back on, and provide you with an accurate record of your journey. Writing a travel journal can help to deepen your connection to the place you visited, and make those memories last a lifetime.

13. Write about your hobby and fictionalize it

Turning your hobby into a story is a great way to explore your passions and to share your experiences with others. Start by thinking of the people, places, and events that are connected to your hobby. Then, think of a conflict or problem that one of your characters could face, and create a story around it. Whenever possible, try to use real life events and experiences to give your story authenticity. Introduce your readers to the passion you feel for your hobby and make sure to include interesting characters they can connect with.

14. Write a script for a play

Writing a play is a great creative writing topic, as it gives you the freedom to explore a story through multiple characters. Writing a play can also teach you how to use dialogue, irony, and different literary techniques to engage your audience. When writing a play, make sure to think of the setting, props, and dialog that will help you craft a compelling story. Plays are a great way to capture an audience’s attention and to explore different writing styles. They can be a great way to express yourself and bring your story to life.

15. Immerse yourself in a different culture

Research a culture that you are unfamiliar with and then craft a story or poem based on your findings. This can be a great way to learn about new places and experiences, while also giving you a chance to flex your creative writing muscles.

16. Write a series of letters between two characters

This could be a story of two people falling in love, two siblings discussing their childhoods, or two friends recounting their lives. Letter writing is a lost art and can make for some really interesting stories.

17. Write a story using only dialogue.

In this story, there would be no exposition at all. Try to craft a story only using dialogue from two or more characters. See how much emotion and suspense you can create with just words.

18. Write a story set in the future.

This can be a great way to explore themes such as technology, climate change, political unrest, or social issues. Think about the world in the future, and imagine how it might be different.

19. Write a screenplay.

Think of a movie you would like to see and write the script for it. This can be a great way to practice your storytelling skills, and you may even get the chance to see your script brought to life one day.

  1. Write a story inspired by a famous work of art.
  2. Create a diary of a time traveler’s adventures through history.
  3. Write a story set in a post-apocalyptic world where survivors must adapt to a new reality.
  4. Craft a narrative entirely in the form of text messages or social media updates.
  5. Write a story from the perspective of a person with a unique supernatural ability.
  6. Create a character who has lost their memory and must unravel their past.
  7. Write a story where the protagonist embarks on an epic quest to find a mythical artifact.
  8. Explore the concept of time loops or repeated days in a story.
  9. Craft a narrative centered around a secret society with mysterious rituals and goals.
  10. Write a story about a character who can communicate with animals.
  11. Create a character who can see glimpses of the future, but not always with clarity.
  12. Write a story in the form of a series of letters from an explorer in a distant land.
  13. Explore the theme of parallel universes and the consequences of crossing between them.
  14. Write a narrative from the perspective of an inanimate object witnessing significant events.
  15. Create a character who can enter the dreams of others and influence their thoughts.
  16. Craft a story set in a world where emotions have a physical form and can be traded or stolen.
  17. Write a story about a group of individuals who discover they have the power to manipulate reality through storytelling.
  18. Explore a society where books are forbidden, and a group of rebels strives to preserve knowledge.
  19. Craft a narrative where the laws of physics and reality are different from what we know.
  20. Write a story that takes place entirely in a single room, challenging your creativity within that confined space.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun with it. Writing should be a fun and enjoyable activity

No matter which creative writing idea you choose, the key is to have fun with it.

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