8 Reasons Why Your Online Writing Isn’t Working Right Now

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1. It’s only about you

Your perspective is unique and interesting — but no one likes “I” statements except for your therapist.

Your audience cares about their own problems. They are deeply invested in their own things. You are only reading this for your own benefit.

Even if we take a tremendously popular show that you watch and enjoy. Ultimately, it’s still about you — and the feelings you get from it — even as much as we want to say it’s about art.

You can bring your own lens to a specific niche, and then relate it to someone else.

That doesn’t mean that you should never discuss your products or services — refer to it when it makes sense.

2. You’re not writing enough to fail

If everything you publish is a home run, you’re probably doing it wrong.

That doesn’t mean being reckless.

But sometimes you need to consider topics that may be slightly outside of your normal wheelhouse. If it sinks, then so be it. But trying new things could help you take a new angle on tired topics.

Really, this is a call to adhere to an old cliche: don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good.

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What Should You Write About For a Story? 33 Ideas You’ll Love (2023)

What’s the story you’re going to tell? Everyone has one. And while some people find it easier to put their thoughts into words than others, with a little imagination and creativity, anyone can be a good writer.

If you’re someone who loves to write but is struggling to come up with ideas for what to write about, never fear! Here are 33 story ideas to get you started.

What should you write about for a story?

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25 Inspirational Things & Examples to Write About

Being courageous is not about being fearless. It’s about having the strength to face your fears and do what’s right, even when it’s hard. Courage is about standing up for what you believe in, even when others are against you. It’s about doing what’s right, even when it’s not easy.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the strength to face it. Inspiration is what allows us to stand up against our fears and do what is right, even when it is hard. It is the quality that allows us to face our challenges and overcome them.

With these writing prompts that show courage and inspiration, you’ll find examples to build upon and to craft a story about others standing up in the face of adversity.

Use these to write your next essay, short story, or blog post

What are inspirational things to write about?

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23 Sad Things To Write About (2022)

If you are looking for something to write about that will get your readers in a funk, well (unfortunately) this list is for you.

This list of sad and depressing topics is perfect for essays or stories that you want to make your readers feel down. From death and loss, to addiction and mental illness, these topics will leave your readers feeling sad and despondent.

If you’re all set to depress your audience, I don’t know what to tell you (in all seriousness: there is hope!), but you can use one of these topics in your next writing project, poem, song, or art.

What are sad things to write about?

Continue reading “23 Sad Things To Write About (2022)”
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