15 Best Writing Prompts for New Writers

You’ve heard a lot about this writing thing, or you want to explore your passion once and for all. But where do you start?

Take this list of writing prompts, specifically geared for new writers.

Don’t worry if you don’t stick to the prompt–the whole point is to just get going.

  1. Write a story based on the following sentence: “She opened the door to find a mysterious package sitting on her doorstep.”
  2. Imagine a world where emotions are physically visible. Describe a scene where two characters are experiencing contrasting emotions.
  3. Write a letter from a character to their past self, giving advice and encouragement.
  4. Create a dialogue between two inanimate objects, such as a pen and a notebook, discussing their purpose and dreams.
  5. Write a descriptive piece about a favorite childhood memory. Explore the sights, sounds, and emotions associated with it.
  6. In a dystopian society, invent a new form of rebellion that challenges the oppressive regime.
  7. Imagine you wake up with the ability to speak and understand any language in the world. Describe the adventures that follow.
  8. Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden magical power within themselves. How do they learn to control and use it?
  9. Describe a scene where two strangers meet on a train journey and strike up an unexpected friendship.
  10. Write a letter to your future self, describing your dreams, aspirations, and goals. Reflect on the steps you’re taking to achieve them.
  11. Create a short story inspired by a famous painting or photograph. Describe the scene depicted and explore the emotions it evokes.
  12. Write a suspenseful scene set in a haunted house. Use descriptive language to build tension and create a sense of unease.
  13. Imagine you have the ability to time travel. Write a journal entry about your journey to a significant historical event.
  14. Write a poem that captures the beauty and tranquility of nature. Use vivid imagery and sensory details to bring it to life.
  15. Describe a character who possesses a unique superpower but considers it a burden rather than a gift. Explore their struggles and growth.

Remember, writing prompts are meant to ignite your creativity and get you started. Feel free to adapt and modify these prompts to suit your preferences and writing style.

Happy writing!

36 Artificial Intelligence Essay Topics

What you need to know about AI (artificial intelligence) before you start your essay:

AI is a form of technology that simulates human intelligence to complete certain tasks, allowing machines to execute tasks such as speech recognition, machine learning, natural language processing, etc. AI writing is the use of AI-powered software and systems to generate written content, such as articles, blog posts, and webpages.

AI-enabled writing tools can help to reduce time needed to create new pieces of content, as well as provide more accurate writing.

AI requires large amounts of data to train and can present both ethical and legal challenges, so it is important to consider these before using AI to write.

AI writing is still in its early stages, but as technology improves, it has potential to produce high-quality written content that is both creative and accurate.

The potential of AI in the field of writing is vast, from providing assistance to full automation, allowing for more efficient workflows and increased creativity

It is important to keep in mind that AI has limitations and that the quality of content created with AI is dependent on the data and algorithms used.

What are good artificial intelligence topics for an essay?

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How do you use AI for writing?

AI can be used for writing in a variety of ways. For example, AI-powered language models are increasingly being used to generate original, human-like writing for websites and blogs.

AI can also be used to edit and curate content more efficiently, and many publishers use AI-powered tools to discover and amplify content.

AI can also be used to detect plagiarism and typos, as well as summarize and automatically generate captions for images.

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An Extra 8 Hours & 27 Minutes Each Week — What Would You Do?

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Do you play video games?

What about games on your phone?

Here’s a data point I want to talk to you about:

That number doesn’t include mindless phone games.

What could you do with an extra 8 hours and 27 minutes each week?

Bottom line: If you’re looking for extra time to create, think about your phone and think about video games.

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8 Reasons Why Your Online Writing Isn’t Working Right Now

Why aren’t you a newsletter subscriber? Join the free Create Make Write newsletter to learn more about online writing & creating each week.

1. It’s only about you

Your perspective is unique and interesting — but no one likes “I” statements except for your therapist.

Your audience cares about their own problems. They are deeply invested in their own things. You are only reading this for your own benefit.

Even if we take a tremendously popular show that you watch and enjoy. Ultimately, it’s still about you — and the feelings you get from it — even as much as we want to say it’s about art.

You can bring your own lens to a specific niche, and then relate it to someone else.

That doesn’t mean that you should never discuss your products or services — refer to it when it makes sense.

2. You’re not writing enough to fail

If everything you publish is a home run, you’re probably doing it wrong.

That doesn’t mean being reckless.

But sometimes you need to consider topics that may be slightly outside of your normal wheelhouse. If it sinks, then so be it. But trying new things could help you take a new angle on tired topics.

Really, this is a call to adhere to an old cliche: don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good.

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